tokophotoApr 25Nominated for an Emmy!I am immensely thankful to receive such uplifting news! The documentary film, "A Thousand Pebbles on the Ground," which I produced during...
tokophotoJan 26「あまたの小石たち」上映会「あまたの小石たち」はパンデミック突入後の2年間、チャイニーズ・アメリカンの医療従事者のロジャーに「思いついたことをビデオ日記みたいに撮って私に送って!」と椎木がお願いしたところから始まりました。現在も米国のPBSにて放送中のドキュメンタリーです。...
tokophotoMay 4, 2023A Thousand Pebbles on the Ground on PBSI'm thrilled to announce that my documentary, "A Thousand Pebbles on the Ground," will be aired on PBS starting in May 2023! (May is...
tokophotoMay 4, 2023Short film "Rachel" Film Festival Tour!It's been a fantastic journey with the short film "Rachel"! The main cast Rachel Reid is such an amazing animator and person! I believe...
tokophotoDec 11, 2022"Ouroboros" at Film Festivals2022, the experimental film "Ouroboros" has been selected for Duluth Superior Film Festival, Arizona Underground Film Festival, and Film...
tokophotoDec 11, 2022News about Two films shot in Fukushima Japan"Over The Sky" won The 2019 Hometown Media Awards - Independent Documentary Producer by ALLIANCE FOR COMMUNITY MEDIA and has been...